Sunday, September 9, 2007


My parents tried to bring me up as a pious and adherent Christian but I believe I have grown up to be a pious human being. Being pious in any religion, as it is in Christianity, means that means that you believe everything that you are told, and not even thinking what the real message of Christianity is. In my home land, I believe Christianity has become the most profitable establishment and priesthood the most secure job option. The most revolting legal battles took place between two groups within the same sect of Christianity, to which I belonged… Over money and property and power. It may have been over some other underlying reason, but the same people to which the most peaceful religion is entrusted, the very same people who were suppose to the epitomes of the religious practices fighting over one another, in a religion that tries to teach us to love one another and to forgive others trespasses. It was one of the most dawning moments for me, If not the exact time when these events took place, then later on when I thought about this. How can these people still pretend to be the up keepers of religion? I mean they are supposed to understand every aspect of the Bible more clearly and are supposed to teach the rest of the ignorant us, about how one great man tried to bring order to an anarchic world. If they themselves don’t understand what a they are supposed to teach, then what will we be learning ultimately? I was not sure that I had understood the complete truth about God or religion but I was sure that there is a God who looks upon us. I was not sure about the believes about God that I choose to adopt, but I was sure that, that is what every religion really intends, to bring man closer to God.. I mean, I’ve always known and believed that there was only one God and if there is only one God, how can all there apparently conflicting religions be true at the same time? It is possible because all the religions say the exact same thing. I doubt if anyone of the prevalent religions here would accept that. They choose to hang on to their own distorted versions about the will of God.

I was always convinced that there is only one God. And if there is only one God how can it be that all these religions describing God in their own way can all be right? The answer is that none of them are completely right, or completely wrong. Then if all are saying the same thing why are there so many different ones in the world? There is noting in this worlds that appeals to everyone of its inhabitants. Except may be the imminent obliteration of their habitat. Even in such a pernicious situation there may be some to whom the idea of an inferno that engulfs the world may appeal. My point, if I haven’t yet been able to put it across, is that we are all inherently different and different things suit us, even in the matter of God. And even if each religion seems to tell a different version of God they all point to the same source. Christianity with it’s single God norm still has provision for three separate existence which it claims to be one. It exactly matches with the Hindu Doctrine of three main gods. But even in Hinduism it never says that there are three gods, and even in those scriptures, it is mentioned that there is ultimately only one God. But because of the needs of people the two stress on different points. Christianity, even if it is said in the Holy Bible that one should only worship only God, it openly supports and encourages worshiping mother Mary, or the various saints it created form time to time. Then is it not against the base philosophies of Christianity? I wonder if anyone has ever stopped to think.

And as people change religions also change to cater to the needs of the changing mentality of people, so that it can keep them adhered to itself, to keep itself financed. I mean if some religion said that what we preach is not the exact truth, we do not know what eth truth is, we just tell you thing which we know will appeal to you, will anyone stay loyal? I don’t think so. I’m not implying that all religions are bad, they are not. Infact they were created to increase the standard of human life, to instill humanity and to keep the people overcoming the obstacles that life keep throwing their way. I respect eh guy who thought up of the concept, though it was not as if one person just woke up one day with that idea in his head. The thing is religion developed over the ages. IN the incipient stage, it should have been full of blind and baseless terror of the unknown that led to religion. The pagan worship and the rituals of those barbaric times may no have represented the true self of god or practice of humanity but at the time it was pertinent to uphold the way of life that was followed and to keep humanity the way it was supposed to be. But some where with the development of civilization religion should also have developed to some rational form that must have been more or less the form of religion that we see now. I am sure atleast at some point in it’s development it must have passed through it truest from. But fro that point it should have come at a rapid decline to reached it’s dilapidated state in which it waddles now a days.

Well I am neither knowledgeable enough or mature enough or wise enough to advice what religion should be, but neither are the charlatans that pose as the leaders of humanity and incessantly try to feed us sophistry. Every man should have his own religion. His own way in which he communicates with the ubiquitous power that prevails in everything we see around us. But I realize that not everyone is capable of evolving a system of belief that suits himself, and those plethora humanity can always choose from the default options available, be it Christianity or Hinduism or Islam or Buddhism. Can there be a choice in these sort of matter.. Aren’t you just born into one of the religions and just follow it? The system of different religions was basically dividing the people of the word into two or three sects. And each religion was sculptured to cater to the needs of those who followed it. So it basically was a classification based on your interests, what you can believe as credulous or plausible. But that must have been a long time ago. We cant be sure that that system of classification should be still intact today or it still works. What I mean is that you are born into a religion based on some very complex and ethereal system that sort of knows what you need to survive in this world. So it sees that we are all born into a system of belief that we will find most suitable in our lives. It is because your parent and their parents before them and so on to a very large tree of ancestors found that system most believable and adoptable. So naturally you who carry those genes from primordial times should be able to see logic in that belief system. Hundreds of people have, and that system of division fascinates me.

But it doesn’t mean that it be always correct, like in my case. I like to think that I belong to no class, other than a class of my own. But may be that sort of concept may be arising from my inherent inclination to be different from others, to be iconoclastic and skeptical. My friends tell me that really rebel a lot, with the sort of “Let the world go to Hell” attitude. May be I do, and I DO because I think that I can tell the world to go to hell. But I don’t believe that my system of belief is superior to any others that already exist. My beliefs include just praying to One God, and that isn’t the Christian God or the Hindu God or any other religions patented god. But The God that created and sustains us all. I pray I the church and the temple in the exact same way. And I find equal comfort in both the palaces, though each gives a different sort of feeling. May be my ideals are predominantly Christian because that is what I was brought upon, but it doesn’t have anything to do with the religion itself, but the antediluvian values that the original religion must have tried to instill in our minds.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Love marriage and arranged marriage.......

I wrote this as a comment on my friends Blog.....
To read the whole thing go to and read the title "mom, i love her , can i bring her home"
( and I fogot where i'd out the paragraph breakes... So it's just one big clumped jumble of words.. please try to decipher. )

Being a Christian ( though my fist name alone may suggest differently) , I’ve heard all through my liveSermons and extracts and quotes and teachings and whatnot saying the basic principle of Christianity is based on love. But the moment a someone heard the word “love” they flip tops and go on a rampage, trampling you underfoot ( if u happened to be the one mentioning the before said word .. even if u’re not, but u just happened to over hear the conversation also u’ll be trampled, so no use thinking it ok as long as u don’t say that word first) .

Never could understand it. I have tried to , and wanted to debate it out with some pedantic dilettante ( make u go running for the lexicon, doesn’t it ? I always wanted to do that) that the love the Holy Book says is not just to be preached but also to be practiced. That the love and tolerance is not just a topic for sunday morning sermons. But never got a chance to do that. Love has always been a topic of controversy. How do you love someone? Not for any of the reason that you marry a person in an arranged marriage, certainly. What do you look for when u go n marry someone who comes out of the blue, just coz your aunty’s cousin’s sister’s brother-in-law knows her ( feminists can also read this as his, I’m writing from my point of view so please replace him with her, wherever u want to do so ) father’s brother. I’d have quoted a simile for arranged marriage, but I restrain myself. But I think it is just like taking a lottery ticket and ur parents telling you that “Son, don’t worry we’ve bought u the winning ticket , we know the winning ticket by sight alone. So just go ahead any but it”. Seems sorta foolish, if u put it this way doesn’t it?. And It’s foolish too. I am not just supporting one side of the argument, Love too has it’s pit falls, but u know that It’s worth all the pit falls. What happens when your arranged marriage fails? You pay the price for someone elses’s choice ? To me it dosen’t seem fair, that your mom n dad (mostly mom ) gets to choose who you have to marry, just coz she didn’t get to choose when it was her time. I mean she can choose some one who’s appealing to her, but what about u? ( I have nothing against mothers mind u, I love mine just as much as anyone of u would or even more) . Wait for your chance to exercise your rights, when it time for your children to marry? ( A Note of warning, don’t think your children at their time will let u choose.. I’m sure the world will have seen the light by then. I mean we cant be in the dark ages for ever, can we? )